Monday, May 25, 2009
Rough Ideas for Exp 3 (more to follow)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mash Up
Fear and power do not peacefully coexist. It follows, then, that he or she who wishes to reach the most rarefied and potent ranks of power, must have a certain serenity. A certain above-the-fray quality and invested in the idea that logical arguments can always change minds and even hearts. With iconic status comes the intense glare of public attention. The powerful earn the right to try whatever they like. But if they fail, the biggest of stars falls far and hard, in front of millions. The powerful are curious, independent and thoughtful nor are they cowed by complexity. They never follow anyone else's lead, just their own original energy and get tough with their critics. Those in power convey an optimism that by applying hard work to a thoughtful if imperfect plan we can transcend usual financial, dealmaking or designing insecurities. Yes, they’re going make mistakes. Lots of them, as people who make the hard decisions always do.
Inverne, James. “Like a Stage Virgin.” Time Magazine (May 26, 2002),,9171,250009,00.html (accessed May 11, 2009).
Luscombe, Belinda. “2 Miuccia Prada.” Time Magazine (February 16, 2004),,9171,993332,00.html (accessed May 11, 2009).
Myers, Dee Dee. “It’s So Nice to Have a Grown-up in the (White) House.” Vanity Fair (February 10, 2009), (accessed May 11, 2009).
Pathways in Unreal
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Final Unreal
The repeating, packed circles of the floor with the bright lights bursting from the floor remind me of the sentence from my electroliquid aggregation, “Human clone benefits the survival of people that ricochet off smack explosions and tigger road annihilation.”
The density of the texture, circles every which way, and the extreme quality of the veering ramp reflects the phrases “Mad therapeutic delirium” and “leads to destiny disorders”.
The Black Box Reflection
Screenshots from my UT environment:
The first image above is slide 38 from chapter 2 of the Black Box Lecture: The Disconnected Shadow. I chose this slide for the image of the curving walkway on the left. I thought this slide was particularly relevant to my Unreal environment as large components of my structure are shadowy or narrow walkways. In slide 38 the bright light at the end of the shadowy tunnel makes one curious as to what is around that final corner. Similarly, I tried to use light and shadow in my environment to instil the same curiosity and lead you from one space to another. I was also quite careful about the mood that the lighting in my environment would create. Slide 38 with its glowing red background and dark twisting shadow projects a darkly mysterious and moody feel, something I tried very hard to avoid in my environment. With such dark textures and shadow projection in Unreal I wanted to create as light and airy a feel as possible with the textures and lighting at my disposal.