Sunday, June 21, 2009
File Front
Just two words of warning on this. When stepping on the elevators press 'e' to make them move. Also there are some unfortunate circles in the sky when you play, had to do with some of my cylinders cutting into the map. I couldn't do much about them by the time I realized what had happened.
Just two words of warning on this. When stepping on the elevators press 'e' to make them move. Also there are some unfortunate circles in the sky when you play, had to do with some of my cylinders cutting into the map. I couldn't do much about them by the time I realized what had happened.
My idea for a business partnership between Obama and Prada lay in the art. Due to her connections in the art world and her foundation I imagined Prada starting a program for underprivileged children to receive an education in the arts and going to Obama for his help with making it a government program...or something along those lines. Anyway I wanted to include art in their offices and I just wanted to give information on what the pieces are.
The artwork on Prada's walls are works by James Jean. His art was an inspiration for one of Prada's collections and he has been commissioned by her as well. The works really helped me pick the textures and lighting for the space. More works by him can be seen at http://www.jamesjean.com/
Prada II
The two paintings in Obama's office are the paintings he selected for the Oval office.
Fifth Avenue in the Rain by Childe Hassam
The Statue of Liberty by Norman Rockwell
Some more Sketchup work
I didn't do a whole lot in SketchUp, probably to my detriment, but my environment is so linear and I am slightly more comfortable using Unreal than SketchUp (and judging from how long this environment took me, I'm glad I stayed primarily within a program I could manage better). However, I did develop my elevators and tables in SketchUp and I've included their draft pics here (all except the Obama elevator which I lost the file on, luckily after importing to Unreal). The main meeting space table and the Prada table I did in parts in SketchUp and then put together in Unreal.
My main idea about power for this project is how those in power are only as powerful as their weakest supporter and that to be effective and create something beautiful the powerful need to depend on others; the meeting space table and Prada table were built to reflect that interconnectivity.
Meeting table support:

Prada table support and tabletop:

The elevators are really simple. I was a little worried about doing anything extravagant since the elevator shafts are so constrained so I tried to reflect that idea of interconnection on a flat surface.
Prada Elevator:

Obama elevator:

The Obama table is a little different. With this one I wanted to convey a solidity, yet something that was still open and welcoming to others.

My main idea about power for this project is how those in power are only as powerful as their weakest supporter and that to be effective and create something beautiful the powerful need to depend on others; the meeting space table and Prada table were built to reflect that interconnectivity.
Meeting table support:

Prada table support and tabletop:

The elevators are really simple. I was a little worried about doing anything extravagant since the elevator shafts are so constrained so I tried to reflect that idea of interconnection on a flat surface.
Prada Elevator:

Obama elevator:

The Obama table is a little different. With this one I wanted to convey a solidity, yet something that was still open and welcoming to others.

Assessment Criteria
I did these way back during the last week of classes when not a whole lot was posted on the blogs. I evaluated a couple people who seemed to have most of the requirements.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Some draft pics
This is taking me a really long time, particularly dealing with some of these shapes, so this is a very preliminary draft. I'll post more pics as I work but I figured I'd put up what I have so far. It gives an idea of where I'm going. I haven't thought about lighting yet so I've just put in a couple of quick lights so you can see the interior spaces.
Overall form. There will be a whole bunch more beams in different sizes nesting all the interior geometry, these are just the 'elevator' shafts.

View from inside an elevator shaft.


Inside meeting space, more holes forthcoming.

Prada space:
Approaching Prada


Main office:

Obama space before lighting:

Inside Obama with some quick lights thrown in:

Approaching Obama:
Overall form. There will be a whole bunch more beams in different sizes nesting all the interior geometry, these are just the 'elevator' shafts.

View from inside an elevator shaft.


Inside meeting space, more holes forthcoming.

Prada space:
Approaching Prada


Main office:

Obama space before lighting:

Inside Obama with some quick lights thrown in:

Approaching Obama:

Table and Elevator idea
The table I like quite a bit, the elevator not so much I'm still trying to figure that one out. My idea about power has to do with the concept that to rise to power, keep power, and to make something beautiful with that power one has to depend on and cooperate with others; there are a lot of separate entities that come together for somebody to successfully rise to power. With my table, elevator and environment I want to convey an idea of interconnectivity and that if you're missing one element the rest will fall.

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